Ricardo Nelson



June 12,  in  Port-au-Prince, Haiti,  

Birth Name

Ricardo NELSON


Strong, Jeffrey, Frè Nel, Khern,


(1,81 m)

Mini Bio 

Nelson was born in Port-au-Prince in june 12th, under the reign of Jean Claude Duvalier. He is the second son of a family of five children of which he is the only boy (his sisters are respectively Farah, Fabiola, Woodyth and Cherley). His mother, Rosette Antoine is a shopkeeper and his father, Antoine Nelson a foreman, Antoine NELSON. His family was poor and his parents quarreled very often. Little Nelson was flung from house to house and attended many schools. As his parents lived apart, he was often confided to his uncles or aunts. At the age of 11, her mother suffered an accident and remained in the hospital. Little Nelson went to live with his father and one of his sisters at Delmas 65, where he will spend his entire adolescence.

It was at Delmas that Nelson completed the last two years of his elementary studies at the Etzer Vilaire school. He finished the laureate of his promotion. Then his uncle Jacques had him enrolled in the Lycèe Daniel Fignolé were he did all his secondary studies. And again he finished laureat also in Rheto and Philo.

Little Nelson in high school had only three passions reading, television and writing. He used to read literature, detective and harlequian novels. he began to write and dreamed of becoming a writer. What his parents did not know. They wanted him to be an engineer or doctor because of his brilliant intelligence

But later the love of television will win the top. Nelson fell a little in love with the cinema. As there was no tele at his place. He went every day to watch the TV at a very close neighbor named Jacqueline. It was from that moment that his mind began to work and scenes began to unfold in his imagination.

After high school Nelson Ricardo enrolled at the university (CTPEA Center for Techniques of Planning and Applied Economics) under the guidance of some friends and because this faculty gave money to the best students. At the university Nelson Nelson learned to draw and made portraits of his comrades to earn pocket money because he could not buy the books recommended by his teachers. He did various odd jobs such as marketing agent for an electronic accessories sales company. Later he completely abandoned writing and drawing because of visual problems and lack of means to publish his poems.

After 4 years at the university and having abandoned all idea of writing, Nelson found a job. He led his little life quite well until he found he had to go back to writing. That's what he did but it does not satisfy him. He wrote a novel which he decided not to publish. He was always passionate about Hollywood movies. But he found that Haitian actors were really mediocre except for a few. Then one day during a seminar he met a Serb and a Canadian who, seeing his look and his charisma, advised him to get into the cinema. So he went for a first casting, he was chosen as the main actor, but this film will never see the day. And it was in 2015 that he had a chance during a second casting for a soap opera called the Last Tentative. He was chosen Top-Hand among the 300 actors who were present.



By force of training, and of work, the soap opera received the approval of the critics. Nelson was acclaimed by the young audience in Port-au-Prince and abroad as the first four episodes of the soap opera were sold to Pe Georges Production. Seeing the success of his first appearance Nelson set for himself the goal of becoming "the biggest movie star in the Haitian Industry”


This sudden success did not stop Nelson from continuing to work hard. He played the character of Strong so brilliantly that everyone said he could not do anything better. In 2016, to deny his opponents Nelson interprets other characters such as the wacky Professor John in a series called soumaren. He write himself Nothing but the Truth (Rien Que La Verite)  a mini series were he interprets an adventurer going from scam to swindle with an actress Esther Alexard performing the role of Jenny Queen, Yvenson Thelus (a young and talented comedian) and Francois Fedna. Wanting to attack the world of advertising, he wrote commercials  for TV that had some crazy success. He therefore becomes more and more appreciated.
He plays in late 2016, Smith, a kind lover in the movie The Sorceress of a Home. Wich get a great success. He is called in 2018 by Flash Media Production for the first role in the film the black book.

For the moment he is preparing to play the role of the agent KLAY in the serie TWAZAM

Nelson Ricardo married Florentina G. Fils-Aime, whom he divorced in 2018.



TV Series

La dernière tentative


La Sorcière d’un foyer

Maman ma gache lavenir


Web series

Rien que la vérité


Verite pa ladann

M devenn


Mariage libre

Je suis enceinte

Banm Ma Baw

Le Tresor



My fake friend

Nos parents ont choisi

Move Se


Secret baby web series

Gentleman 3.0




Chantage et Consequences